Телескоп Bresser Messier 5″ Dobsonian, 260x оптично увеличение, 130mm диаметър на лещата, 650mm фокусно разстояние на най-добра цена.
За Телескоп Bresser Messier 5″ Dobsonian, 260x оптично увеличение, 130mm диаметър на лещата, 650mm фокусно разстояние
- Качество гарантирано от Levenhuk.
- 14 дни право на връщане без въпроси.
- Ниска цена.
- Категория: Бинокли и оптика
- Bresser Messier Dobsonian Telescope is a compact tabletop telescope with powerful optics. This telescope comes pre-assembled ex-factory. It is easy to start observing with this telescope. Put the telescope on a table, and point the telescope to the observed object. The kit includes two Kellner eyepieces (25 mm and 9 mm), LED finderscope, and a moon filter. This telescope also features the built-in compass and circular level for orienting the telescope. It is a wonderful choice for amateur …
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